Journal Publications

“Using Variational Autoencoding to Infer the Masses of Exoplanets Embedded in the Disks of Gas and Dust Orbiting Young Stars” Shafaat Mahmud, Sayantan Auddy, et al., 2024, NeurIPS
“GRINN: A Physics-Informed Neural Network for solving hydrodynamic systems in the presence of self-gravity” Sayantan Auddy, Ramit Dey, Neal J Turner, Shantanu Basu, 2024; (MLST) arXiv:2308.08010
“Predicting Stellar Mass Accretion: An Optimized Echo-State Network Approach in Time Series Modeling” Gianfranco Bino, Shantanu Basu, Ramit Dey, Sayantan Auddy, et al 2023, arXiv:2302.03742
“Using Bayesian Deep Learning to predict masses of exoplanets”, Sayantan Auddy, Ramit Dey, Min-Kai, Jacob B Simon, 2022 (ApJ) arXiv:2202.11730
“Magnetic field and density relation in Star-forming molecular clouds”, Sayantan Auddy, Shantanu Basu, Takahiro Kudoh, 2022 (ApJL) arXiv:2201.05620
“DPNNet-2.0 Part I: Finding hidden planets from simulated images of protoplanetary disk gaps”, Sayantan Auddy, Ramit Dey, Min-kai Lin, et al., 2021, APJ 920, 3, arXiv:2107.09086
“A Machine Learning model to infer planet masses from gaps observed in protoplanetary disks”, Sayantan Auddy, Min-Kai Lin, 2020, ApJ 900:001, arXiv:2007.13779
“Magnetic Field Structure in Spheroidal Star-Forming Clouds. II. Estimating Field Structure from Observed Maps”; Philip Myers, Ian W. Stephens, Sayantan Auddy, Shantanu Basu, et al. 2020, ApJ 896:163, arXiv:2005.04307
“The Transition from a Lognormal to a Power-Law Column Density Distribution in Molecular Clouds: An Imprint of the Initial Magnetic Field and Turbulence”, Sayantan Auddy, Shantanu Basu, Takahiro Kudoh, 2019, ApJL,881:L15, (arXiv:1907.09783)
“Magnetic Field Structure of Dense Cores using Spectroscopic Methods”; Sayantan Auddy, Philip Myers, Shantanu Basu, et al., 2019, ApJ 872:207. (arXiv:1901.09537)
“Magnetic Field Structure in Spheroidal Star-Forming Clouds”; Philip Myers, Shantanu Basu, and Sayantan Auddy, 2018 ApJ 868:51(19pp)
“The Effect of Magnetic Fields and Ambipolar Diffusion on the Column Density Probability Distribution Function in Molecular Clouds”; Sayantan Auddy, Shantanu Basu, Takahiro Kudoh, 2017, MNRAS, 474, 400 (arXiv:1710.05427)
“From Molecular Clouds to the IMF: Spatial and Temporal Effects”; Shantanu Basu, Sayantan Auddy, 2017, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, arXiv:1710.06361 Invited Review (refereed)
“A Magnetic Ribbon Model for Star Forming Filaments”; Sayantan Auddy, Shantanu Basu, Takahiro Kudoh, 2016, ApJ 831:46 (6pp). (arXiv:1609.02989)
“Analytic Models of Brown Dwarfs and Substellar Mass Limit”; Sayantan Auddy, Shantanu Basu and S.R. Valluri, 2016, Advances in Astronomy, Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 5743272, 15 pages. (arXiv:1607.04338)
“The MLP Distribution: A Modified Lognormal Power-Law Model for the Stellar Initial Mass Function”; Shantanu Basu, M. Gil and Sayantan Auddy, 2015, MNRAS 449(3): 2413-2420
“Vacuum Birefringence, the Photon Anomalous Magnetic Moment and the Neutron Star RX J1856.5-3754”; S. R. Valluri, J. W. Mielniczuk, F. Chishtie, D. Lamm, Sayantan Auddy, 2017, MNRAS 472-2398
“Gravitational Wave Background in the Quasi-Steady State Cosmology”; J V Narlikar, Sanjeev Dhurandhar, R. G. Vishwakarma, S. R. Valluri, Sayantan Auddy, 2015, MNRAS, 451: 1390-1395